My name is Tom Patterson, I am a senior at Maryville University in the Digital Media program and this project is for my ADDM 410 Capstone II class. My Capstone...
Introduction This introduction outlines the user testing I performed for Hot Dang! 9th Avenue Grocery. I interviewed three distinct reviewers to gather their perspectives on various aspects of the visual...
Summary My name is Tom Patterson and I am attending Maryville University and I am in the Digital Media program. I will graduate with my BFA in the fall semester...
MY FIRST PRODUCT My second meeting with my professional design reviewer I wanted to review some more products I produced for Hot Dang! 9th Avenue Grocery. PROFESSIONAL DESIGNER Jessica Martin...
THE PROCESSES OF FINDING, PURSUING, AND LANDING MY POSITION My journey to find my current position as the creative director of a small creative agency in Huntsville Alabama started in...
MY FIRST PRODUCT My first product for Hot Dang! is a sandwich box. I see developing a box for each major sandwich type. These will be good for customers who...
My name is Tom Patterson and I am graphic designer and creative director and I am currently attending Maryville University in the Digital Media program. I am currently working on...
Hello, thanks for stopping by. My name is Tom Patterson and I am graphic designer and creative director and I am currently attending Maryville University in the Digital Media program....
My name is Tom Patterson, I am a senior at Maryville University in the Digital Media program. Capstone is a course that has students focus on one particular project that...
Here's What You Should Learn Define the differences between habits and addictions. Define some similarities between habits and addictions. Draw some evidentiary conclusions about habits and addiction with concerns to...