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My first product for Hot Dang! is a sandwich box. I see developing a box for each major sandwich type. These will be good for customers who need a good sandwich made that day and who are on the go. I wanted to show all the strong branding elements; colors, typography, illustrations, and textures on the box.


Jessica Martin
Manager of Digital Design
C Spire


The meeting went very well. I discussed the research, design choices, the name, logo development, and my first product of the brand. She loved the name and the story behind the rebranding. She suggested using very vibrant colors and a natural and conversational brand voice and tone. She suggested I use large imagery and illustrations that went beyond my bleed lines for any printed designs and any digital assets. I revised my product to the below design based on Jessica’s feedback.


I am feeling fairly confident in my design choices and the final look and feel. I plan on making some updates to the final product with some suggestions from my professor. I am excited for the final design.

Tom Patterson

Author Tom Patterson

A Creative Director / Digital Experience Solutions Manager for the last 5 years with SAAS and Telecommunications companies running designers as well as web/app developers in an fast paced Agile working environment. With a traditional print and digital design creative background for both corporate and small design agency companies, I thrive in campaign and event strategy and execution. I love working with and leading other creative designers and developers. I believe positive team dynamics and clear communication are key to project success.

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